內容目錄 Index
比 bǐ -compete
止 zhǐ -stop
北 běi -north
- 圖示:兩人背對背,和背相似音。台北、北邊。
- 造詞:台北、北極
- Pictograph:Two people back to back
- Vocabulary:Taipei (台北 tái běi )
立 lì -stand
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)立](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/stand-1.jpg)
- 圖示:一個人站立著。
- 造詞:站立、立正
- Pictograph:One person standing up
- Vocabulary:satnding (站立 zhàn lì )
并 bìng -side by side
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)并](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/and1.jpg)
- 圖示:兩個人站著並在一起。
- 造詞:并坐、并列
- Pictograph:Two people standing next to each other
- Vocabulary:stand side by side (并列 bìng liè )
並 bìng -side by side
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)並](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/and2.jpg)
- 圖示:兩個人坐著並在一起。
- 造詞:並且、並行
- Pictograph:Two people sitting next to each other
- Vocabulary:and (並且 bìng qiě )
女 nǚ -female
- 圖示:穿著裙子的女生。
- 造詞:女生、女孩
- Pictograph:A female wearing a dress.
- Vocabulary:girl (女孩 nǚ hái )
貝 bèi -baby
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)貝](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/baby-1.jpg)
- 圖示:小寶貝。也可畫成小貝殼。
- 造詞:寶貝、貝殼
- Pictograph:Little treasure
- Vocabulary:baby (寶貝 bǎo bèi )
嬰 yīng -infant
安ān -safe
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)安](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/safe.jpg)
- 圖示:戴著安全帽的女生。根本解釋為有女生在家裡很安定。
- 造詞:安全、安靜
- Pictograph:A girl wearing helmet
- Vocabulary:safety (安全 ān quán )
子 zǐ -son
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)子](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/kid-1.jpg)
- 圖示:伸出雙手想要擁抱的孩子。
- 造詞:孩子、孫子
- Pictograph:A little child with open arms seeking hug
- Vocabulary:child (孩子 hái zi)
字 zì -word
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)字](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/word.jpg)
- 圖示:小孩子在房子裡寫字。
- 造詞:寫字、字體
- Pictograph:Little child writing in a house
- Vocabulary:writing (寫字xiě zì)
學 xué -learn
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)學](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/01-learn.jpg)
- 圖示:小孩子進到學校學習。
- 造詞:學校、學習
- Pictograph:Little child go to school to learn
- Vocabulary:school (學校 xué xiào )
孕 yùn -pregnant
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)孕](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/pregnancy.jpg)
- 圖示:媽媽的乳房和杜子,小孩子在媽媽的大肚子裡。
- 造詞:懷孕、孕婦
- Pictograph:A mom’s breast and a baby inside mommy’s protruding belly
- Vocabulary:pregnant (懷孕 huái yùn )
母 mǔ -mother
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)母](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/01-mother.jpg)
- 圖示:母親用包巾在懷中抱著嬰兒。
- 造詞:母親、父母
- Pictograph:Mother holds the baby in a baby carrier.
- Vocabulary:mother (母親 mǔ qīn )
父 fù -dad
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)父](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/father.jpg)
- 圖示:爸爸有一對八字鬍。
- 造詞:父親、父母
- Pictograph:Daddy with mustache
- Vocabulary:father (父親 fù qīn )
公 gōng -grandpa
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)公](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/public.jpg)
- 圖示:阿公張嘴笑嘻嘻,嘴角有一滴口水。
- 造詞:外公、公車
- Pictograph:A laughing and drooling grandpa
- Vocabulary:bus (公車 gong chē )
力 lì -force
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)力](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/strength.jpg)
- 圖示:一個人工作要出很大的力氣。
- 造詞:力氣、用力
- Pictograph:A person with strenuous work
- Vocabulary:strength (力氣 lì qì )
男 nán -male
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)男](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/man1.jpg)
- 圖示:一個男人在田裡工作。古代主要都是男性下田。
- 造詞:男孩、男性
- Pictograph:a man working in the rice field
- Vocabulary:male (男性 nán xìng )
早 zǎo -early
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)早](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/morning1.jpg)
- 圖示:早上太陽升起,升升懶腰大聲說聲早安。
- 造詞:早上、早安
- Pictograph:Sun rise in the morning, a man stretch out and said Good morning.
- Vocabulary:morning (早上 zǎo shang )
夜 yè -night
![學中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)夜](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/night.jpg)
- 圖示:有人在家看到月亮代表夜晚來臨了。
- 造詞:夜晚、夜市
- Pictograph:A person sees the moon from home
- Vocabulary:night (夜晚 yè wǎn )
我 wǒ -me
![學中文中文象形字感(Chinese pictograph)我](https://talkingdarcy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/01-me.jpg)
- 圖示:孩子翹著腳,雙手拇指指著自己,表示是我。
- 造詞:我們、是我
- Pictograph:A kid stick with two thumbs to himself, indicating it’s me.
- Vocabulary:It’s me. (是我 shì wǒ )