認識了表達類的象形字感,請同時閱讀”透過象形字提升中文字感,學中文字方法總論 ”。
內容目錄 Index
美 měi -beauty
- 圖示:古代貴族女性頭上花俏美麗的裝飾。
- 造詞:美麗、美好
- Pictograph:Ancient aristocratic women with fancy and beautiful decorations on their heads
- Vocabulary:beautiful (美麗měi lì)
至 zhì -to
- 圖示:箭頭到達為至。
- 造詞:至少、至善
- Pictograph:Arrow arrives as to
- Vocabulary:at least(至少zhì shǎo)
垂 chuí -hang
- 圖示:插在土堆的旗幟下垂,旗幟下垂交疊的樣子。
- 造詞:下垂、垂直
- Pictograph:The flags inserted in the mound of dirt drooped down and the flags overlapped
- Vocabulary:hang down (下垂xià chuí)
干 gān -stem
- 圖示:古代為武器,可以想像為雙手把毛巾擰乾。
- 造詞:干戈、干擾
- Pictograph:Ancient weapon, imagine wringing out a towel with hands.
- Vocabulary:disturb (干擾gān rǎo)
死 sǐ -dead
- 圖示:左邊一個人跪著哀悼右側死去的屍體。
- 造詞:死亡、死傷
- Pictograph:A man kneeling on the left to mourn the dead body on his right.
- Vocabulary:death (死亡sǐ wáng)
利 lì -benefit
- 圖示:稻穗成熟,拿出鋒利的刀子收割。
- 造詞:鋒利、利益
- Pictograph:Take out a sharp knife to harvest rice.
- Vocabulary:sharp (鋒利fēng lì)
上 shàng -up
- 圖示:旗子在上方。
- 造詞:上面、上樓
- Pictograph:The flag is overhead.
- Vocabulary:above (上面shàng miàn)
下 xià -down
中 zhōng -middle
- 圖示:旗子在圓圈中間。也可以畫蘋果或愛心被箭射到中心。
- 造詞:中間、正中
- Pictograph:The flag is in the middle of the circle.
- Vocabulary:middle (中間zhōng jiān)
多 duō -many
- 圖示:多為兩塊肉的圖形。古代有兩塊肉代表多。
- 造詞:好多、多少
- Pictograph:In ancient times, two pieces of meat meant many.
- Vocabulary:a lot (很多hěn duō)
小 xiǎo -little
- 圖示:小為三顆小砂石,表示很小。
- 造詞:小心、小人
- Pictograph:Three small gravels, which means very small.
- Vocabulary:careful (小心xiǎo xīn)
少 shǎo -few
- 圖示:少為小的延伸,四個小砂石一樣很少。
- 造詞:少量、稀少
- Pictograph:Less is a small extension, as few as four small gravels.
- Vocabulary:rare (稀少xī shǎo)
尖 jiān -sharp
- 圖示:三角尖尖。
- 造詞:指尖、刀尖
- Pictograph:The top of triangle are pointy
- Vocabulary:fingertip (指尖zhǐ jiān)
平 píng -flat
- 圖示:天平左右平衡。
- 造詞:天平、平衡
- Pictograph:Balance the scales left and right
- Vocabulary:balance (平衡píng héng)
半 bàn -half
- 圖示:用刀子把東西平均切一半。
- 造詞:一半、半顆
- Pictograph:Cut things in half with a knife.
- Vocabulary:half (一半yī bàn)
凹 āo -concave
- 圖示:地面凹陷。
- 造詞:凹凸、凹地
- Pictograph:Caved in ground surface
- Vocabulary:concave (凹地āodì)
凸 tú -protrude
- 圖示:地面凸起。
- 造詞:凹凸、凸透鏡
- Pictograph:Raised ground
- Vocabulary:convex lens (凸透鏡tū tòu jìng)
東 dōng -east
- 圖示:東本來為打包好的東西包裝的樣子,所以為東。
- 造詞:台東、東西
- Pictograph:The look of a packed item
- Vocabulary:thing (東西dōng xī)
束 shù -tie up
- 圖示:把東西上下端綁緊為束的樣子。
- 造詞:花束、約束
- Pictograph:The shape of candy wrapper tying the top and bottom together.
- Vocabulary:bouquet (花束huā shù)
分 fēn -separate
- 圖示:用刀子將東西切分開來。
- 造詞:分開、分享
- Pictograph:Cut things apart with a knife.
- Vocabulary:share (分享fēn xiǎng)
高 gāo -high
- 圖示:以前多為平房,用高的樓表達高。
- 造詞:長高、高樓
- Pictograph:In the past, most of them were bungalows. Two storys building represend high.
- Vocabulary:grow tall(長高zhǎng gāo)
老 lǎo -old
- 圖示:老斜斜一撇為老人的長鬍子。
- 造詞:衰老、老人
- Pictograph:The old man with long beard.
- Vocabulary:old man (老人lǎorén)
直 zhí -straight
- 圖示:直尺直直的。
- 造詞:直線、直尺
- Pictograph:Straight ruler.
- Vocabulary:ruler (直尺zhí chǐ)
生 shēng -alive
- 圖示:植物向上生長的模樣。
- 造詞:生活、生長
- Pictograph:The pattern of plants growing upwards
- Vocabulary:grow (生長shēng zhǎng)
串 chuàn -string
- 圖示:將糖葫蘆用竹籤串一起的樣子。
- 造詞:串珠、串通
- Pictograph:A look of string beads.
- Vocabulary:beaded (串珠chuàn zhū)
行 xíng -travel
- 圖示:道路交錯的樣子,代表行走的道路。
- 造詞:行人、行李
- Pictograph:The way of the roads intersect
- Vocabulary:pedestrian (行人xíng rén)
且 qiě -further
- 圖示:古代祭祀時將死去男性生殖器放在祭祀桌上切成一段段,表達多子多孫。這邊以吐司表達切了一塊吐司而且又切了一段。
- 造詞:而且、姑且
- Pictograph:In ancient rituals, dead male genitalia were placed on the sacrificial table and cut into segments to express the multiplicity of children and grandchildren. Here are slices of toast.
- Vocabulary:and (而且ér qiě)
鬥 dòu -fight
- 圖示:兩個人拿著武器打鬥。
- 造詞:打鬥、爭鬥
- Pictograph:Two people combating with weapons
- Vocabulary:fight (打鬥dǎ dòu)
文 wén -language
- 圖示:本來指身上或衣服上的花紋,現在主要表達學習文學,或寫作文章。
- 造詞:英文、文學
- Pictograph:Originally referring to a pattern on the body or clothing, it now mainly expresses the study of literature, or writing an essay
- Vocabulary:literature (文學wén xué)
曲 qū -curve
- 圖示:有音符的樂曲。
- 造詞:歌曲、樂曲
- Pictograph:Music with notes.
- Vocabulary:music (樂曲yuè qǔ)
方 fāng -square
- 圖示:方字中間繪製方形聯想圖。
- 造詞:方形、地方
- Pictograph:Square image in the middle of a square character.
- Vocabulary:square (方形fāng xíng)