內容目錄 Index
木 mù -wood
- 圖示:樹木的樣子。有樹根、樹幹,和樹枝
- 造詞:樹木、木頭
- Pictograph:Shape of a tree with the root, trunk and branches of a tree
- Vocabulary:trees(樹木shù mù)
林 lín -woods
- 圖示:兩顆樹木代表樹林。
- 造詞:森林、樹林
- Pictograph:Two trees represent woods
- Vocabulary:forest (樹林shù lín)
森 sēn -forest
- 圖示:三顆樹木代表很多樹木的森林。
- 造詞:森林、陰森
- Pictograph:Three trees makes a forest
- Vocabulary:forest (森林Sēn lín)
本 běn -origin
- 圖示:樹的根本從下方的根開始發展為本。
- 造詞:書本、本來
- Pictograph:The root of the tree develops from the root below
- Vocabulary:book (書本Shū běn)
果 guǒ -fruit
- 圖示:樹木上方長了四顆果實。
- 造詞:水果、果然
- Pictograph:Four fruits grow on the tree
- Vocabulary:fruit(水果shuǐ guǒ)
巢 cháo -nest
- 圖示:樹木上方的鳥巢有三隻小鳥。
- 造詞:鳥巢、巢穴
- Pictograph:A nest on the treetop with three birdies in it
- Vocabulary:Bird’s nest (鳥巢niǎo cháo)
竹 zhú -bamboo
- 圖示:竹子的竹節與竹葉。竹的部首則是竹節縮短。
- 造詞:竹子、竹筍
- Pictograph:The bamboo joints with bamboo leaves.
- Vocabulary:bamboo (竹子zhú zi)
禾 hé -grain
- 圖示:穀物的總稱,有根、莖、葉,與成熟下垂的穀物。
- 造詞:稻禾、禾稼
- Pictograph:General term for grains, with roots, stems, and leaves, and ripe sagging grains
- Vocabulary:rice crop (稻禾dào hé)
艸 cǎo -grass
- 圖示:草的樣,在演化為艸和兩個十字的艹字部首。
- 造詞:花草、藥草
- Pictograph:The grass has evolved into the cursive grass and the two crosses.
- Vocabulary:herb (藥草yào cǎo)
朵 duǒ -flower
- 圖示:開花的樹
- 造詞:花朵、雲朵
- Pictograph:Tree with blossome flower
- Vocabulary:bloom (花朵huā duǒ)
田 tián -field
- 圖示:田地的樣子
- 造詞:農田、田園
- Pictograph:Look of rice field
- Vocabulary:farmland (農田nóng tián)
苗 miáo -seedling
- 圖示:田裡植物發芽為小秧苗。
- 造詞:秧苗、幼苗
- Pictograph:Field plants germinate into small seedlings.
- Vocabulary:seeding (幼苗yòu miáo)
米 mǐ -rice
- 圖示:稻穗圖案。
- 造詞:米飯、米粉
- Pictograph:Pattern of rice grain
- Vocabulary:rice (米飯mǐ fàn)
瓜 guā -melon
- 圖示:瓜藤與結果的瓜。
- 造詞:西瓜、地瓜
- Pictograph:The picture of melon vine and the melon
- Vocabulary:watermelon (西瓜xī guā)
甘 gān -sweetish taste
- 圖示:甘蔗的樣子。
- 造詞:甘蔗、甘甜
- Pictograph:Look of sugar cane
- Vocabulary:sugar cane (甘蔗gān zhè)
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