認識了物品類的象形字感,請同時閱讀”透過象形字提升中文字感,學中文字方法總論 ”。
內容目錄 Index
門 mén -door
- 圖示:兩扇開闔大門
- 造詞:大門、正門
- Pictograph:The icon of a double door
- Vocabulary:gate (大門dà mén)
閂 shuān -latch
- 圖示:門後的鎖
- 造詞:門閂、閂門
- Pictograph:Latch of the door
- Vocabulary:latch (門閂mén shuān)
開 kāi -open
- 圖示:拉開門後兩個門閂
- 造詞:開門、開關
- Pictograph:The latch is off from the double door
- Vocabulary:open door (開門kāi mén)
屋 wū -house
- 圖示:至為到了房屋裡。箭頭射進房子裡表示屋內。
- 造詞:房屋、屋子
- Pictograph:An arrow shot into the house.
- Vocabulary:house (房屋fáng wū)
車 chē -car
- 圖示:推車兩側為輪子,中間田字是打包好的物品。
- 造詞:推車、汽車
- Pictograph:The picture of a push cart with cargo in the middle
- Vocabulary:car (汽車qì chē)
食 shí -eat
- 圖示:上方為食物器皿的蓋子,中間日為器皿與食物,下方為餐具。
- 造詞:食物、飲食
- Pictograph:The picture of top is lid, the middle is food in a bowl and the bottton are utensil.
- Vocabulary:food (食物shí wù)
衣 yī -clothing
- 圖示:為古代衣服交領長袖的圖示。
- 造詞:衣服、上衣
- Pictograph:Icon of a long sleeve for an ancient garment
- Vocabulary:clothes (衣服yī fú)
窗 chuāng -window
- 圖示:屋頂脊梁和窗戶,把脊梁改為窗簾更容易理解。
- 造詞:窗戶、窗簾
- Pictograph:Icon of a roof, curtain and window.
- Vocabulary:window (窗戶chuāng hù)
絲 sī -silk
- 圖示:絲線的繩子由更細的線擰起來,拿一條麻繩或縫紉的線觀察很快就能理解。
- 造詞:絲線、蠶絲
- Pictograph:The strings of silk thread are twisted up from finer threads
- Vocabulary:silk (蠶絲cán sī)
皿 mǐn -dish
- 圖示:裝成東西的器皿。
- 造詞:器皿
- Pictograph:Container to put things
- Vocabulary:dishware (器皿qì mǐn)
血 xiě -blood
- 圖示:血滴入器皿中為血。
- 造詞:流血、捐血
- Pictograph:A drop of blood into the container
- Vocabulary:bleed (流血liú xiě)
冊 cè -book
- 圖示:把好多本練習冊用綁書帶綁在一起。古代書由一根根竹木條由麻繩或絲線串聯起來。
- 造詞:手冊、名冊
- Pictograph:Tie a number of exercise books together with binder straps. Ancient books consisted of strips of bamboo wood strung together with hemp rope or silk thread
- Vocabulary:manual (手冊shǒu cè)
書 shū -book
- 圖示:上方為手持筆書寫的形狀,下方為筆寫下口說的內容。
- 造詞:書本、書寫
- Pictograph:Above is the shape of a hand -held pen and below is what the pen dictate
- Vocabulary:book (書本shū běn)
弓 gōng -bow
- 圖示:弓箭,弓的形狀。
- 造詞:弓箭、彈弓
- Pictograph:Shape of bow.
- Vocabulary:bow and arrow (弓箭gōng jiàn)
井 jǐng -well
- 圖示:水井的樣子。
- 造詞:水井、油井
- Pictograph:Shape of a well
- Vocabulary:well (水井shuǐ jǐng)
舍 shè -house
- 圖示:古代房舍樣子。
- 造詞:房舍、宿舍
- Pictograph:Shape of ancient house
- Vocabulary:dormitory (宿舍sù shè)
舟 zhōu -boat
- 圖示:小船的樣子。
- 造詞:輕舟、獨木舟
- Pictograph:Shape of a small boat
- Vocabulary:canoe (獨木舟dú mù zhōu)
工 gōng -tool
- 圖示:鏟子工具的樣子。
- 造詞:工具、工作
- Pictograph:Shape of hand tool like shovel
- Vocabulary:tool (工具gōng jù)
丁 dīng -nail
- 圖示:丁子的樣子。
- 造詞:家丁、園丁
- Pictograph:Shape of a nail
- Vocabulary:gardener (園丁yuán dīng)
刀 dāo -knife
- 圖示:刀的樣子。
- 造詞:刀子、刀劍
- Pictograph:Shape of a knife
- Vocabulary:knife (刀子dāo zi)
包 bāo -bag
- 圖示:胎兒包裹在媽媽肚子的模樣演變。
- 造詞:麵包、書包
- Pictograph:The fetus in mother’s belly.
- Vocabulary:bread (麵包miàn bāo)
玉 yù -jade
- 圖示:古代君王拿著身上的佩玉。
- 造詞:玉石、玉米
- Pictograph:A king held a jade on the hand.
- Vocabulary:jade (玉石yù shí)
金 jīn -gold
- 圖示:古代君王在皇宮中,身旁兩側都是黃金。
- 造詞:黃金、金額
- Pictograph:A king in the palace with gold around him.
- Vocabulary:gold (黃金huáng jīn)
酒 jiǔ -wine
- 圖示:左邊三點水偏旁字代表跟液體相關,右邊為酒甕圖形演化來。
- 造詞:酒精、米酒
- Pictograph:The left is icon for water, and right is icon for wine bottle.
- Vocabulary:alcohol (酒精jiǔ jīng)