內容目錄 Index
石 shí -stone
- 圖示:山崖或大山前方的大石頭。
- 造詞:石頭、岩石
- Pictograph:A large rock in front of a cliff or a large mountain
- Vocabulary:stone (石頭shí tou)
土 tǔ -dirt
- 圖示:土堆的樣子。
- 造詞:泥土、土壤
- Pictograph:The look of a mound of dirt.
- Vocabulary:soil (土壤tǔ rǎng)
水 shuǐ -water
- 圖示:河流的樣子。
- 造詞:河水、海水
- Pictograph:Look of river
- Vocabulary:river water (河水hé shuǐ)
川 chuān -river
- 圖示:河川的樣子。
- 造詞:河川、冰川
- Pictograph:The look of the river.
- Vocabulary:river (河川hé chuān)
冰 bīng -ice
- 圖示:水結成冰。
- 造詞:冰塊、冰凍
- Pictograph:Water froze to form ice
- Vocabulary:ice cube (冰塊bīng kuài)
浮 fú -float
- 圖示:小孩子掉入河裡,大人用手捉住小孩,讓孩子浮出水面。
- 造詞:漂浮、浮現
- Pictograph:The child falls into the river and the adult grabs the child by the hand and makes the child come to the surface
- Vocabulary:float (漂浮piāo fú)
沉 chén -sink
- 圖示:小孩沒入水裡向下為沉。
- 造詞:沉思、下沉
- Pictograph:The child falls into the water and sinks down.
- Vocabulary:sinking (下沉xià chén)
穴 xuè -cave
- 圖示:洞穴的樣子
- 造詞:洞穴、巢穴
- Pictograph:Look of a cave
- Vocabulary:cave (洞穴dòng xué)
洞 dòng -cave
- 圖示:洞穴旁邊有河流,洞穴前方有石頭和鐘乳石
- 造詞:山洞、洞穴
- Pictograph:There was a river next to the cave and rocks and stalactites in the cave.
- Vocabulary:cave (洞穴dòng xué)
山 shān -mountain
- 圖示:山的形狀。
- 造詞:登山、山頂
- Pictograph:Look of mountain
- Vocabulary:mountain climbing (登山dēng shān)
嵩 sōng -high mountain
- 圖示:高高的山。
- 造詞:嵩嶽、嵩山
- Pictograph:Very high mountain
- Vocabulary:Songshan (嵩山sōng shān)
火 huǒ -fire
- 圖示:大火的樣子。
- 造詞:火焰、起火
- Pictograph:Look of big fire
- Vocabulary:flame (火焰huǒ yàn)
災 zāi -fire disaster
- 圖示:大火冒煙的樣子。
- 造詞:火災、災難
- Pictograph:Smoke coming from big fire
- Vocabulary:fire disaster (火災huǒ zāi)
焚 fén -burn
- 圖示:火燒樹林的樣子。
- 造詞:焚燒、焚化
- Pictograph:What it looks like to burn into a forest fire.
- Vocabulary:set on fire (焚燒fén shāo)